
Climate Displaced Persons Act Re-Introduced in Congress

Climate Displaced Persons Act Re-Introduced in Congress

In recognition that those displaced by climate change lack adequate protections under US immigration law, and that the US can and should play a key role in advancing climate justice, Senator Ed Markey (Mass.) and Representative Nydia Velázquez (NY-07) have reintroduced the Climate Displaced Persons Act (CDPA) in the US Senate and House of Representatives.

Civil Society Calls For UN Action On Human Rights Violations At International Borders

Climate Refugees is one of over 200 civil society organizations to sign onto a recent letter to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) regarding the global phenomenon of deaths, torture and other grave human rights violations faced by people in transit across international borders.

As chilling details continue to emerge regarding the sinking of a ship in Greek waters on 14 June, in which hundreds of migrants lost their lives, it is critical that member and observer states to the HRC take action to address the serious and ongoing violations experienced by migrants at borders, as well as the racism, discrimination, and xenophobia that underpins a failed system of international migration governance.

In recognition that the status-quo is not only ineffective but unjust, the letter calls for the establishment of an independent monitoring mechanism to investigate rights violations and contribute to accountability and redress for victims. Despite the work of Special Rapporteurs and the HRC itself, rights violations at borders continue with impunity.

There is an urgent opportunity for states to position themselves as champions of a more just and humane migration governance system, but it will require a “new and stronger” response from the HRC.

Read the letter (in English) below. Versions in French and Spanish can be found here.

Press Release: Organizations Release a Roadmap for Transforming Relations between the U.S. & NCA

Press Release: Organizations Release a Roadmap for Transforming Relations between the U.S. & NCA

Today, a group of U.S. human rights, foreign policy, faith, children’s rights, and humanitarian organizations released Serve Your People, a report that provides a roadmap for transforming relations between the United States and the northern countries of Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras) under a new administration.